Participatory Urbanism (Holborn, London)

There’s a lot to like about this Holborn Liveable Neighbourhood web site, when it comes to Participatory Urbanism. If you are a Council and want to get public support, manage feedback, canvas residents for ideas, and keep people informed, this service from Commonplace is a great option.

Firstly I do like the excellent overview, of the project and its ambitions. These are great ambitions for any city or council!

The initative is broken down into Major Projects, which shows some of the bigger items that are under consideration, as well as Starter Projects where residents can look at new proposals and feedback on them. These are the projects Holborn aims to deliver first.

Other “Tiles” include: Pick A Place – Where residents can propose their own projects. Tells US about Holborn – Where residents can provide more general information. Meet Us – Where residents can find events to interact with the Council on the projects.

Pretty much everything a Council needs to get people interacting, contributing ideas, offering feedback and keeping up with developments is covered. Hopefully, once the projects start, a good “Progress” section will be put in there and regularly updated.

I look at initiatives like this and feel like we are emerging from the dark ages. The dark ages of car dependency and traffic violence. Why didn’t we do this sooner? How did we not notice things had got so bad with cars and how badly they have ruined the livability of our cities? I know lots of people did and I am glad we are now taking action. It’s just taken a long time for the penny to drop, for councils to see more clearly what the problems are and how to fix some of them. For decades it felt like cars and traffic, were inevitable, and congestion was unavoidable, but now we are finally greening our streets, making our cities more livable and it is going to provide so many benefits for everyone. Let’s just make sure it’s not just the affluent areas that are doing this.

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