
I’ve got kids, so I would like to give them something positive to look forward to in the future. It doesn’t have to be some Blade Runner dystopia. It can be the complete opposite. It can be something better than what we have now. We just have to get busy creating it. We have to get busy imagining it.

Simply being “sustainable” in our activities is not enough. We need to also repair and regenerate our planet, our cities and our culture. We need to give life back to our soils, our wildlife, our cities and ecosystems. We need to heal the wounds inflicted by a century of global consumerism.

This is not a new idea. Millions of people all over the world are doing this right now. In Architecture, Agriculture, Forestry, Town Planning, Education, Manufacturing, Software… All these people are working towards a better future.

This is my little blog, sharing links to the people, the organisation, the stories.