Take Action NOW!

I didn’t set this site up as a “Hopium” blog. Where everyone could come and get a daily, feel-good, fix about our future. I set it up to inspire people to TAKE ACTION NOW. Our Wonderful Green Future will only happen if we TAKE ACTION NOW! There are literally millions of people and organisations out there working towards a better, greener, fairer future. Those people absolutely need our support, and they need our support right now.

“We are not interested in Empty Positivity for the sake of it”

The alternative is OSDF. (Our Shitty Dystopian Future!) Many of you will want to put effort into fighting those who are holding us back. The people, companies and governments. The old ways. The old ideas. The vested interests, and the current broken system that is causing the Biodiversity and Climate Crises. This is vital, and must be done, but also keep an eye on the prize. Our Wonderful Green Future. Be alive to your values and your best life today and every day.

The number one thing we can all do is to organise and work together and support each other. If you live in a Democracy, give your support to the political party that’s taking the Climate Crisis most seriously. Or support the organisations that are pressuring the politicians. Support them with money, with your time, with your voice. If you are not in a Democracy you will most likely have local representatives who you can speak to about the Environment, Sustainability, Urbanism, Regeneration. Talk to them. Go to local meetings.

Taking individual action to reduce your carbon footprint and recycle is great and should be done, but it’s not going the solve the core problems. Collective action is what counts.

Have a think about how you can make a difference. What opportunities does your life situation provide you with? What can you do right now in your local community. Who is already doing interesting stuff. Seek them out and offer them your support. We all do activism differently. We all have our own circumstances, limitations, inhibitions and views of the world. Choose what is best for you.

If you have money… spend it wisely. That’s all I will say!

Become an advocate for everything that will make our future great. Elimination of plastics, rewilding, regeneration, sustainability, clean energy, transport choices, grass roots democracy, social justice, equality… etc etc. Make it clear to friends and family that you believe humanity has a wonderful bright future, if we embrace it and work towards it.

Start a “Strong Town”

Community Independents Project

Join a Union